Our Story

Hello!  We are the Webers! We (Ben and Cherie) met in college, fell in love, and got married.  Over the last 10 years, we have added 7 children to our family ranging in age from 0 to 19.  It has been full of adventure and fun, and we have just…

Shaping the Heart and Filling the Mind

Treasure in a Shell On one end of my daughter’s bed there is a collection of boxes and treasures that often threatens to overflow it’s shelf and cover her bed to such an extent that there is no place to sleep without fear that a piece of art or breakable…

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We are creating a mini-farm on one acre of land. In this section of our blog we share what we are learning along the way through trial and error!



Raising seven kids is a challenge and a blessing! Check out this section of our blog to see all the things we are learning along the way!

Stone Cross


Following God through all the challenges of life is hard. This section focuses on what we are discovering about God and ourselves!

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