Mulberry Bush?!

Kids’ Garden

“All around the mulberry bush the monkey chased the weasel….” Our kids LOVE this song!  If you have never heard it, you should check it out! It is just a fun nursery rhyme that is cute! They sing it while they run around in a circle.  When we moved into our new home, we told the kids that we would be planting fruit, vegetables, and herbs.  The kids immediately started requesting a garden of their own.  I sort of brushed the idea to the side, because I knew that it would get messed with and would not produce very much.  But Ben jumped on the idea and began to plan where he could put some plants inside our fence for the kids.  He decided to plant it where an old rotted stump stood.  The first thing he planted was a blueberry bush.  Since then strawberries have also been added.  The kids thought it would be very fun to have their own mulberry bush so they could run around it while singing the song.  I was sceptacle again, but when Ben found one for sale, he brought it home for them.  They were so delighted! Mulberry Bush So a bush.  What do you think of when you hear the word bush?  I think of a plump plant that grows out as much as it grows up. Is that what a mulberry bush does?  NO.  It grows up!  20-30 feet up! And it is called a bush?! Ben told me it is actually called a mulberry tree, but I was sceptacle.  I have been singing this song since I was a child, so surely it must be a bush! A few days later, we visited Country Park with our cousins.  My sister in law said she had parked under the blackberry tree. I was confused, because there is no such thing.  When we were about to leave, we went to look at the tree. Lo and behold, it was a mulberry “bush!”  As you can tell from the picture, it did NOT look like a bush!!!  And so there we have it.  We now know that we will have a big mulberry tree in our backyard!

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